Wednesday, December 17, 2014


1020Vienna Leopoldstadt Austria 

A market close to the centre of Vienna in the second district, approximately 12 minutes walk away from Stephans Platz, you can also use the tram 2 from Schwedensplatz and get off the second stop on Tabourstrasse. Then walk down behind the Church on the left.
The Market is open every day except Sundays and Holidays. It is having a revival in the last few years, Monday to Sunday the fixed stands are open selling Fresh fruit and vegetables, Poultry, beef, pork and game, there are 2 flower shops. Also there is restaurants, coffee shops and much more.
Friday and Saturday mornings there is a farmers market, Saturday is now very busy with plenty off bio and organic food and drinks on offer, It is well worth a Visit especial on Saturday mornings.

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