Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cycle Vienna

A little later on the 6th July

This is the start of my cycle ride, though it could also be the end. This is Vienna's famous Bermuda triangle, its were husbands and boyfriends disappear, and when they eventual turn up there memories are a little vague. It is one of the hotspots for the evenings, but during the day its were people come to eat and sit out in the sunshine.
One thing about Vienna, it is normally windy, but that makes the hot summers better to cope with as the wind blows away the harmful affects of smog. Its located Just off Schweden Platz. About 2mins from where I live.

Now to continue, I head to the other side of the Danau Kanal, this canal comes right to the city centre almost. From Schweden Platz you can catch boats for a short trip to the Danube are even now to Bratislava, that is a trip I am hoping to do soon, Brigitte and me have already done the circular trip, it lasts some hours so its worth taking some food and drinks with you as its a little expensive to buy on the boat. As you can see from the picture to the right, this is an artists area, there are sculptures and paintings, they change regularly.

This all started last year, Austria is a landlocked country and they miss the beach, a long time ago they owned Slovenia and most of northen Italy, but due to some small upsets which I have no desire to go into they lost it, not the countries or land I mean there access to the sea!!! So last year to try and help restore the feeling of going to the beach they brought in bucket loads of sand and dumped it strategically along the Donau Kanal, yeh you guessed it, close to Schweden Platz, then sprung up bars on the sand with deckchairs and everything, the Greene brown water of the kanal screaming past is not quite the lovely blue of the Mediterranean but what the hell toes in the sand Yeh.

Continue my ride along the canal, this is not like an English canal its more of a bypass for the Danube river, it flows quite fast. Shortly I turn left and head towards Prater
Prater, well it is a huge park in the middle of Vienna, people normal think of the big wheel, and the amusement rides but its more than that, much more, the roads are closed off to traffic, its a huge park, it was once a hunting ground for the emperor, but they kicked them out and now its a place to get away from it all for us Joe soap types. It has all sorts, what I just mentioned,large swimming pools, football stadium, beer gardens, horse riding and the list just goes on.

And this is the famous Schweizerhaus, (Swiss House) Here you are served pig leg and a pint, the waiters carry dozens of pints on a tray with one hand above there heads, on a weekend its heaving, but if you are in Vienna this is a must, we try to go at least once a year, its only open for about 6 months. It was tempting to go in, but this place is best enjoyed with company.

So on up that long avenue you seen earlier then left under the A22 and we arrive at the Danube, the cycle tracks also go under the bridge so you do not come in contact with traffic, quick waltz and we are on the Island, this is were the biggest open air party is held every year in June, music of all kinds and its FREE!!!.

This is cool, a system of pulleys drag water skiers around the New Danube, ( this is a dammed
section of water)

ok getting close to the end before I turn back,this is theAlte Donau, boats are electric, you can sail, hire row boats or sail boats or small electric boats, people swim in here, now just to let you know, the Viennese love the sun and love to get naked, so as you are traveling around on your little electric boat, do not be suprised, also do not be to supprised if a couple are getting it together, Austrians have a more open approach to this. Its that water thing that does it to them I think, its fairly discreet but if you keep your eyes pealed you might see it, so if your easily offended beware.

This is the final part before I turn back, these are all reasonably priced little restaraunts on the New Danube. The whole Danube is great to explore, if its rollerblading or just a stroll its a great day, just stop any were and sunbathe, if you want to get it all off there is an area on the Alte Donau for that, ah those barmy summer days

Ok the Bumuda Triangle is calling me for a cold one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 July 06
Vienna district 2, a small area close to Schwedenplatz, around the Tabourstrasser area, it is where I live, not yet discovered by the mainstream tourists